Need to travel for study? Whether it be an in-depth residential school trip, a whirlwind study tour or a life-altering student exchange, figuring out what to pack can be a daunting task – and one that is often left until the last minute! This is...
Going home over summer can be helpful to take time to relieve stress and move at a slower pace, without the pressure of assessments and exam deadlines. It’s a great opportunity to get back in touch with life outside of Uni, so I’ve...
Get ready to study with our best picks for your Session 3 Orientation. Orientation is action-packed with a mix of online sessions to help you find your feet and get off to a flying start in your Charles Sturt degree. There is so much on offer – from...
Handling a full-time job while studying can be quite difficult and this is the situation that most of us are in right now. So, here are a few tips to tackle the difficulties of the employee/student life that we are all in! Calendars and reminders:...
You’re back from the holidays and you’re starting to feel a little stressed by all the study that needs to be done around you. Luckily, we’ve got a simple guide to get you back on track and acing your studies! Get a good night’s sleep. Everyone...
by Zali Bland Winter makes most people cranky. We’re cold, our skin is dry, and it’s usually raining. Seasonal depression is to be expected, even in neurotypical folks (read: people who don’t experience mental illness/es in their everyday lives)...
Some people can study in mall, bar, anywhere at all! Choosing a place that works for you is crucial to a productive study session, so here’s my how-to: Choose a spot. The first step to setting up your perfect study space is to choose the spot...
It is time to get back into the habit of studying. You may have bought yourself a shiny new gadget to ditch the pen-and-paper note-taking method of lectures past. If you’re looking to streamline your study sessions with tech, these somewhat secret...
This study session, leave procrastination behind once and for all and eat the proverbial elephant in the room that is your degree. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Studying is no different, especially when it comes to assignments...
Everyone knows that a uni degree can bring you a whole new world of opportunities. However, it can be a big challenge to take on a full study workload on top of a full-time job. To combat this, I’ve started implementing a few simple strategies to...