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Tag: tips

5 tips to make your time at uni easier

5 tips to make your time at uni easier

by Amy Carlon University can seem so overwhelming when you are starting out and since I learnt the hard way I thought as I approach the end of my degree I would lend five helpful tips that have really aided in making my time at uni easier. Socialise...

Tips to stay focused on your goals

You’re studying for a reason. You have a dream, a vision of who you would like to be in the future, and you have a goal. It’s not always easy to stay focused on your goals, especially if there are a lot of requirements and it takes years to achieve...

Girl holding jar full of coins for adventures

10 simple spring savings ideas

Living on a student budget can seem like a daily challenge, but with these 10 savvy savings hacks, you can enjoy the spring season with a little more coin in your pocket. 1. Make it a treat and then only on sale. Hit your campus coffee spot during...

Five ways to stress less

by Loren Howarth With exams and final assessments just around the corner, it’s time to get into serious study mode. This time can be quite stressful with assessments and exams looming. But don’t freak out too much, here are our top tips...

Should you apply for a scholarship? Apply!

Seven tips for a winning scholarship application

Every year CSU receives more than 8,000 scholarship applications. That’s a lot, right? So within that enormous pile of scholarship applications, how do you make yours stand out from the crowd and get you those well-needed dollars? Well, you don’t...

Useful tips for online students

As a uni student, there are many things we have to prepare for regardless of whether we are an online or campus student. The difference is, being on campus, you will have lecturers and classes to give you a daily routine and a person to guide you...

mortarboards in the air

Why a double degree makes sense!

Whenever I tell people that I’m doing a double degree at uni, they always seem surprised to see that I have the time to go out with my family and friends, work, and juggle two different degrees at the same time. What most people don’t realise is...

Simple steps to save money as a student

When it comes to our financial situation, as a student, saving money can seem impossible. How can we buy our textbooks, pay for our broken laptop, keep on top of our student loans, all while trying to maintain a social life and get through our...

students studying at desks in the library

Seven ways to study more effectively

As uni students, our lives are full of deadlines. Assignment deadlines, exam deadlines, census date deadlines. When you’re studying, remembering what you’ve learnt in order to effectively meet these deadlines means fitting study into your...

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