by Emily Minter Understanding positive psychology will help you feel more fulfilled and happier in your everyday life. What is positive psychology? Positive psychology focuses on well-being – promoting a fulfilling and satisfying life...
Student Central now have new opening hours for you! Gone are the days of long ques and waiting on hold. Hours have been extended for chat, email, phone and the front counter on the main CSU campuses for you to make the most of your Uni experience...
Money is a big deal, I mean, we can’t survive without it right? It’s not that easy to save and spend wisely while looking for full-time work or juggling casual positions once you’ve graduated. So, here are some financial tips to help you...
Got exams this week? Feel panicked when you get in the room? Here’s how to stay calm and get the most out of your study with handy tips from the ALLaN team: Plan: Set out a timetable of exam times and dates Add in when you will study Put in...
Don’t quite know what to cover in your revision? Just skim over your subject materials before exams and then can’t remember anything? Here’s how to revise for your exams, take notes and improve your memory: 1. What’s in the...
by Jenna Verhoeven We all know the usual pay your library fines and check your eligibility before graduation, but surely our last session can be more meaningful than cramming and organising! Here are my top three ways to make the most of our final...
Have you left your exam prep to the last minute? Do you normally cram in the last few days, panic on the day and forget half your notes? If you answered yes to any of the above, you may need a new study plan! Here’s what I learnt about getting...
The second 2018 SSAF Student Initiative Round is now open. It’s our chance to make a bid at a project that will benefit us, our studies and campus or online experience. Share your ideas to enhance your student experience at CSU! The projects...
On the hunt? Every Uni student experiences the financial stress that comes along with studying, and job hunting is never an easy task. Luckily for our you, I have found some golden tips on how to maximize your chances of getting a job! Check out the...
Do you put in long hours to prepare for exams? Do you procrastinate because you get anxious and overwhelmed? Here’s how to prepare so you can your keep exam stress under control for this upcoming exam season: Revision Skills Revision is an...