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Tag: journalism

Lights… camera… and action!

Ever been in the audience of a live TV talk-show? Grab this opportunity to witness final-year Communications students host and produce a live TV talk-show called... 'Sunset'. The event will be hosted on our Bathurst campus on Thursday 16 May from...

Meet the Contributor: Sophia McCaughan

Up and coming journalist and Charlie Contributor, Sophia McCaughan, let's us in on her university journey. Whether it includes a global pandemic, sports, or reporting on the Federal Budget - Sophia welcomes it with open arms.

A farewell letter from the editor

I personally love using the wisdom and experiences of others to better my own. So before I forfeit my life, on-campus routine and roles at Charles Sturt University, I want to relay some significant moments from my time at uni.

A day in the life of Sophie Watson

Written by Sophie Watson Hi, I’m Sophie! I study journalism at Bathurst and I live quite a busy life! Come around with me as I show you a typical day in my life with uni… Every week I have 2 classes on Monday, one is on Modern Journalism and...

Meet Charlie contributor, Emily Francis

Written by Emily Francis I am one of those lucky people that have a passion for something and have been given the opportunity to turn that passion into a career. From around the ages of 3–16, I immersed myself in any form of storytelling I could...

Meet Charlie contributor, Pagan Harrison-Brown

Pagan Harrison-Brown has been a continuing asset to the Charlie contributor team! Here, you can find out more about her… Growing up I don’t really remember much of my childhood, but I was born and raised in Wagga Wagga. We then moved to...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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