Pagan Harrison-Brown has been a continuing asset to the Charlie contributor team! Here, you can find out more about her…
Growing up
I don’t really remember much of my childhood, but I was born and raised in Wagga Wagga. We then moved to Canberra where I went to school, danced for 13 years, did athletics, played AFL and made a lot of memories with friends and family. I spent a lot of time getting dirty and needing band-aids while exploring with my brothers. They also raised me have tough skin and to love video games.

My study
In 2020 I graduated with a Bachelor of Communications specialising in Journalism from Charles Sturt. Now I am doing my Master’s in Communications and in my last year of that. I studied journalism because of my love of video games and wanting to write about games. I had the opportunity to be the next TV presenter for Good Game Spawn Point in 2018, however I chose to study journalism instead and from there I wanted to continue my studies in communication and learn how to communicate with people and organisations as well as help organisations communicate better with internal and external stakeholders.
Career aspirations
Now I am still very much focusing on finishing my Master’s as I am in my last year, which is a big year for me. When I finish, I still hope to get into the journalism industry and write about video games, entertainment, health, and lifestyle.

But I would also like to get into government to help fix the way government organisations treat their internal stakeholders and fix their communications amongst internal and external stakeholders – or join the defence force and give that ago. The big career aspiration is to be a full-time content creator, streaming video games and making YouTube videos for a living and following my dream of being a photographer and model.

Workplace experience
During my bachelor’s degree I worked mainly as a barrister but did social media and photography for a health store and a café in Bathurst for some extra income and experience. I also go to Canberra once a year to do photography and social media content for a pop-culture convention I volunteer for.

In the last year of my bachelor’s, I worked at one of the local papers writing articles and would travel to Sydney every weekend to work at The Photo Studio. Now I currently work as a content creator/website maintainer for an online e-commerce company and work for myself.
Hopes, dreams and plans for 2022
My current plan for this year is to finish my Masters. But I just want to enjoy this year and experience as much as I can. I want to take more photos and start a photo blog of places I eat and travel to, model more and grow my stream and YouTube channel. My 2022 dream is to be happy, healthy, fit, make memories. I must start thinking about what I am to do after I graduate. And hopefully be more organised.
Written by Pagan Harrison-Brown