Written by Charlotte Lyons
This exciting event will be held in the television studio on Bathurst campus, with a live studio audience. It’s free and is open to anyone and everyone who is interested in joining in on this night of fun chats, laughs, learning and creativity.
I had a chat with Flynn Magee, a third-year Communication student who is co-host of the live TV talk-show ‘Sunset’.

So, Flynn, tell us a bit more about the show. What can audiences expect?
‘You should expect, foremost, entertainment!
That’s what the purpose of the actual event is. We aim for it to be a really effective showcase of our academic and professional skills that we’ve been building and mastering over the past two and a half years.’
What is the style of the show?
‘We are trying to replicate a live show such as ‘Sunrise’ or the ‘Today Show’. It will also be recorded and made into an actual event that you can watch back.
You’ll see things like sports, cooking and weather in our show, all presented in a way that isn’t too serious! It will go for about half an hour, and we will have different members of the cohort presenting different segments.’
And how did you become co-host of the show?
‘My Communication degree specialisation is actually Strategic Communication, which lends itself more to behind-the-scenes and private work, but I have always had an affinity for speaking on stage and acting and things like that.
I thought if I could get an opportunity on this project to take a role that gravitates more towards that, there would be no harm in it!’

As host of “Sunset”, you will be a doing a LOT of talking on the night. How are you preparing for this?
‘Despite how much I love talking in front of audiences, I do get stage fright and I get quite nervous.
To offset that, I want to really create and polish a script that I can utilise anywhere from general points and topics to word-for-word dialogue.’
Now this is an event is part of a third-year Communication subject. Tell us what it’s been like to work with a whole team of students to create this event.
‘We all have different skill sets which is great for a project like this, but it also means that there is a diverse range of ideas being presented.
I think the main challenge is sifting through those to find the one that will reflect the best in the actual event.
We have to think about what will be the best showcase of our skills, what will entertain and engage the audience the most, and how everyone can use their different skill sets to be involved and make an equal contribution to the final project.’
Please run us through each student’s role in the talk show event.

Co Host/Site Manager

Co Host/
Communications Officer

Cooking Segment/
Project Manager

Niche News Reporter/ Technical Director

Sports Segment/ Technical Manager

And finally, do audiences need to bring anything?
‘No, just come as you are! Bring an open-mind if you like.’
Well, thanks so much for that, Flynn!
Hopefully all Charlie readers now have a little taste of what to expect on the night. But be prepared – there WILL be some surprises on the night!
To register for the event, click here.