While it may be an expensive hobby to take up and the information you acquire can be overwhelming, it's super easy to pick up for anyone wanting to up their photography game.
Find out which services are open over the holiday break
Nothing, absolutely nothing. That’s what beats a good ol’ Netflix binge session. Netflix has all sorts of binge worthy shows and movies. Bingeable TV 1: ‘The Good Place’ Starting off strong with The Good Place. The appeal of this...
This selection of Christmas drinks are easy to make with simple ingredients. It’s a fun and easy way to spread the Christmas cheer! Glow Waters I found this drink one of the easiest Christmas themed drinks you can make. Choose to add in fruits...
With all your summer holiday shenanigans, you’re sure to be sporting the singlet tan look by the start of first semester 2020. However, with than bronzed tan might come some uncomfortable burnt skin. Be sure to avoid getting sunburnt by applying...
I have been called a studyholic on numerous occasions. During semester time I do focus on study and it is my number one priority. However, during the holidays I forget about study, schedules and assignments. I know lots of people who study during...
If you’ve seen my article on life hacks based on the lives of the world’s most successful people, you’ll know that reading is one of their favourite past times. Why? Because it holds a massive amount of health benefits, primarily, stress relief but...
During these holidays, shake up your summer experiences be able to share awesome pictures with your family and friends by going on one of the awesome adventures below. Road trip What could be more iconic and adventurous than the open road. Do it...
It’s always fun to have a party trick up your sleeve or something to help pass your time. Here are my favourite easy skills that you can master over summer and use for life, even impress a friend or two along the way! 1. Piano Learn to play a new...
Need to travel for study? Whether it be an in-depth residential school trip, a whirlwind study tour or a life-altering student exchange, figuring out what to pack can be a daunting task – and one that is often left until the last minute! This is...