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Tackling stress with tech breaks and headspace!

Tackling stress with tech breaks and headspace!


This session is ramping up with quite a few hefty assessments to get through. Are you in need of some advice to get you through this tough time? Remy Naughton provides her best strategies to tackle stress and offers some support services for you to use.

Written by Remy Naughton

As we reach the middle of the session, anecdotes of stress and nervousness about upcoming assignments and exams fill the halls of dorms, libraries, and bedrooms, while study spaces have a plethora of items scattered causing more anxiety of what is to come.

But you’re not alone, we are all in the same boat.

To get through this period, here are a few simple tips:

There’s so many resources available to help with everything from sleep, stress, anxiety, being active, healthy recipes and relationship tips.

  1. Physical activity

    Move your body, even if it is for a few minutes each day, it can wildly help improve your mental health and reduce stress.

    Go for a walk, even just for fifteen minutes to take yourself out of the exam period headspace.

    You can do this by simply walking between classes, strolling to the other side of campus to meet with a friend, home workout, or go to that training session you were putting off because you were too stressed.

    Here’s a Charlie article for some inspiration.

2. Unplug
Take some time for yourself to allow yourself to breathe.

In this new era, we are constantly connected to our devices staying up to date with friends and family but excessive screen time can add to stress levels, especially during exam time.

To help manage this, turn your phone on ‘do not disturb’ or turn off notifications that tend to distract you during study hours.

3. Try not to compare yourself

Keep things in perspective… you can only do YOUR best!

Create a realistic strategy and plan what to do and how to manage your time effectively. This could be by creating a timetable to plan when you are working, studying, and taking time to yourself.

Just remember and try to remind yourself that everyone learns in different ways and at different paces.

Just because you are understanding the content or moving through the assignment at a slower pace, try not judge yourself and focus on what YOU want to achieve.

4. Study with friends!

Forming a study group with friends can help with understanding content from a different perspective as well as make revising content less intimidating.

Don’t think what is going on in your life is not ‘big’ enough to speak to someone or reach out if you are needing help.

Follow this link for a list of mental health resources available to you.

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This is an SSAF funded initiative
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