Written by Isaac Coldicott
Whether your 2023 has already kick-started into gear or you’re still lucky enough to be in holiday mode after a big 2022, the inevitable question has more than likely popped up from either your mates (or mum trying to drop some hints), that is ‘what is your New Year resolution?’.
Personally, I’ve already been asked this question by many and have only managed to come up with a vague ‘be healthier’.
‘Be healthier?’
What does this mean exactly? That’s the big question. I believe that being healthy comes down to a lot more than eating greens and running around Mt Pan until your heart feels like its going to explode (they aren’t lying when they say it’s a mountain).
Being healthy to me comes from eating well, being physically active and maintaining a proficient balance between study and leisure. The best way I’ve found to try and remain healthy is by setting and working towards goals.

Setting and working towards your goals
There are many ways to set and work out goals to be the best version of you! What I have found is that setting many small, attainable goals throughout the year can result in not only success, but also heavily contributes to encouraging a positive mindset that is necessary in creating a healthy body and mind.
An example of small attainable goals could include making sure to eat at least 2 pieces of fruit in the day, or even walking to class instead of driving.
Another way to ensure that your health and fitness goals work for you could be ensuring that these goals are measurable. Allowing your goals to be measurable not only makes it easier to visualise your goal, but also gives you a greater sense of accomplishment when you do succeed.
An example of a measurable goal could be to get a High Distinction in a subject or aiming to lift a certain weight in the gym. Regardless of the goal, ensuring that it is distinguishable is a key aspect in setting and achieving your goals.

What are my goals?
On a personal note, my 2023 health and fitness goals vary in both length and subject, as my fitness goal for the year is to run a marathon. Although this is a large goal, it can be broken up into smaller parts in accordance to my training schedule.
For example, running 40km in one month in the lead up to the event which steadily increases in distance as the months go on. Not only is this method key in my preparation, but it also helps me to stay on track by maintaining small objectives to work up to my overall goal of running a marathon.
In terms of my health, I am setting the goal to eat better in 2023, as well as learning to better manage my time across all facets of my life at university. Whether it is study, sport, work or social, my goal is to make sure I do my best to manage my time so I can give 100% of my efforts to each aspect of my life.

Although somewhat lofty, I have set these goals for 2023 on the basis of creating attainable goals throughout the year to achieve my big goals! I hope this blog has helped you in constructing your own health and fitness goals for 2023. Good luck!