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Tag: featured

Missed Opportunities: How My Life Changed

Ever looked back and realised life didn't turn out exactly how you thought it would? Lexie shares how COVID interrupted her plans... but how sometimes the most unexpected detours take us somewhere better than we ever imagined!

How I Saved for Euro Summer

Looking for a way to escape from the Australian winter and make some unforgettable memories? Amy talks you through how to save up for a Euro Summer get away as a student!

What I Do Working At Student Central

Want a flexible job that understands the challenges of being a student? Where better than Student Central! Grace fills you in on what she does working at Student Central for Charles Sturt and why she loves the job!

Representing Charles Sturt at Uni Nationals

What happens when you go to Uni Nationals for a sport you've never played? Hayden tells you about his experience representing Charles Sturt playing touch football with a team that only had 3 people who had played it before! Plus all about the...

SSAF Explained

SSAF. Student Services and Amenities Fee.
You might have seen it in an email or even in one of our Charlie blogs.
But what is it?
And why do we need it?
Charlotte answers all these questions and more in 'SSAF Explained'!

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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