The SSAF Initiative Round has just opened and what better way to show you how your ideas can make a positive impact on the CSU community than sharing one major success story; The $1 Port Macquarie Wednesday Lunch What is the SSAF Initiative? SSAF...
There are many reasons why you should attend Orientation, even if a week of socialising may not seem appealing to those of us who are introverts. With these hacks you’ll be meeting friends, having fun and making memories as you start another chapter...
The new Uni year is almost here and it’s going to be a big one! So, no matter where or how you are studying, this six-step guide is guaranteed to help you make the most of it: #1 Set goals If you want to be motivated and stay on track, set...
The first year of Uni is always a big leap from those long years spent in school or from your gap year. With it comes independence and the need for organisation! Whether you are doing it online, moving out of home or travelling from abroad, the...
Networking is an important career-building skill but some find it easier than others. If you’re an introvert and are changing careers or just starting out, here are some tips to give you more confidence: #1 You are probably already networking...
The Eiffel tower is a beautiful bold structure that everyone wants to visit, but have you ever noticed how isolated it is from the other buildings? Sometimes, we feel isolated too. So, here are 10 things you can do when you start to feel like an...
There are so many perks to living on campus in 2019, you won’t want to miss out on calling Res home next year! 1. Location, location, location: Living on-campus is convenient – you can get up 10 minutes before class and still be on time...
Last week, some of our very own CSU students travelled to Mt Buller to compete in the 2018 UniSport Nationals Snow competition. The team competed in a variety of different sports against 16 other universities from all across the country. Our...
by Loren Howarth With the recent cold weather, it’s easy to dream about summer – warm days at the beach or picnics under the sun. And spending extra time indoors to keep out of the cold certainly doesn’t help. But don’t...
It can be tough to motivate yourself to get off the couch and into the book, not to mention studying around others! The distractions can leave you feeling unproductive and overall pretty bummed out. But fear not! Use these tips to have that study...