The SSAF Initiative Round has just opened and what better way to show you how your ideas can make a positive impact on the CSU community than sharing one major success story; The $1 Port Macquarie Wednesday Lunch
What is the SSAF Initiative?
SSAF projects provide services and facilities for everyone! So, whether you are on-campus or online, you can benefit from SSAF Initiatives. You have the chance to put forward your own ideas about how SSAF is spent and let CSU know what’s most important to you.
The $1 Port Macquarie Wednesday Lunch:

“The Wednesday Lunches are a huge part of Port Macquarie culture and provide an amazing vibrancy on campus weekly. The students love Wednesday Lunches, not only for the affordable food but for the social interaction that they get from it. The SRC have run it seamlessly for the past year and are very grateful to SSAF for allowing it to take place. I really hope we can all see it continue.”
-Ruby Simmons, Student Liaison Officer
– Clara Koch, International Student Liaison Officer
The funding round is still open so make sure to follow the link on how to make a proposal of your own! Click here: