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Tag: uni life

Top 10 things to do as a First Year!

Are you about to start your journey as a CSU student? No matter if you are studying on campus, online or internationally, here are some tips to help you in your first year! 1. Socialise and find your people online: No matter how you are studying;...

What graduation means to me

As 2018 Graduation ceremonies are celebrated across CSU campuses, Graduate Joanna Poole shares what this milestone means to her. Throughout my life, university seemed like a distant thought that would never come around. As life carried on and I get...

Think twice about posting that

by Penny Gleeson Have you ever thought twice about putting something up on social media? Maybe you’ve done the classic ‘review and delete’ of last night’s antics or perhaps someone has called you out on what they’ve seen from you online...

5 reasons why we choose regional over regular

by Hayley Farrugia When it comes to choosing a university, whether it is at the end of Year 12 or enrolling later on in life, location is a prominent contributing factor. Regardless of how many people we ask, we are almost always swayed by the...

eBooks vs. physical books: Which is best?

by Loren Howarth Which is better – eBooks or physical books? Here’s a list of pros and cons to weigh in where you stand on the debate! Pros of eBooks: Convenience: Gone are the days of carrying heavy textbooks everywhere! With...

Establishing independence for youth allowance

Did you know that working while studying could make you eligible for youth allowance? You may have thought you were ineligible because you didn’t meet the criteria, however there are a few other factors that can help establish your independence:...

10 things to do if you’re feeling lonely

The Eiffel tower is a beautiful bold structure that everyone wants to visit, but have you ever noticed how isolated it is from the other buildings? Sometimes, we feel isolated too. So, here are 10 things you can do when you start to feel like an...

Start your career while studying

Are you starting your studies at CSU? Here are our top tips to help you prepare and set yourself up in the right direction for your career from the start! 1. Plan your career: Start by thinking through your career plan. Reflect on your career goals...

4 Netflix documentaries to help broaden your mind

by Jenna Verhoeven Here’s a select handful of Netflix docos to help broaden your mind during your next Sunday afternoon recovery sesh or your sweet Friday night binge. FYI, my rating system is based on cats; as in life, one cat is good, but...

Spring cleaning tips and tricks

by Loren Howarth Now that spring is in the air, it’s a great time to do some cleaning and de-cluttering. This tradition not only promotes wellness by establishing a clean and organised environment, it also creates a nice and fresh feeling...

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