If the new COVID-normal has taught us anything, it is that life is unpredictable. You may find yourself self-isolating this Christmas, or unable to travel to your family, or just needing some time to rest and recoup. Whatever your reason for being alone this Christmas, here are some ways to enjoy the 25th of December solo!
My first Christmas without my family was spent in London. Having been deceived by one-too-many snow globes, I had imagined thick snow billowing everywhere. It was much to my surprise when I found the Orange Charles Sturt University campus to get more snow than London ever does. But even without the imaginary blizzards, I had an amazing time with friends and strangers. Which brings me to my first point – set realistic expectations for the day. A Christmas alone is still a day off (in some cases) and that is definitely something to celebrate!

With it being the season for giving, why not start with yourself. Look, it’s cliche and will not be the first way to get your name on Santa’s Nice list (but we will discuss that later). Selfishly start a Christmas tradition just for you – run a bath, decorate some gingerbread men, complete a puzzle while watching Home Alone, finally get around to finishing your taxes, impulsively book an exotic holiday without checking if you can get time off first. Consider staying off social media if it is to your detriment and enjoy some space to be pampered, creative or bored.
“One travels more usefully when alone, because he reflects more.” – Thomas Jefferson
While it feels like the last thing we need is more content from American Presidents, Jefferson makes a quotable point. This time of year is perfect for reflection, especially with looming New Year Resolutions (that somehow seem to be the same every year). Reflecting on what you have learned and experienced can aid in their later application. With so much information being learnt across an academic term, it is easy to overlook the extent of our newfound knowledge. We hope you are as proud of yourself as we are!

Back to Santa’s List – volunteering is a guaranteed ticket off the naughty list, and Charles Sturt University is here to help. Charles Sturt has provided a handful of fantastic starting points for gaining real-world experience through volunteering locally and internationally. Across many professions, volunteering as work placement or experience allows students to build their professional portfolios, engage practically with their learnings, and build a rewarding community around them. So even if you are unable to volunteer on the day, the rest of the year is filled with opportunities (to dodge that chunk of coal in the stocking for 2022).
Enjoy your Christmas celebrating alone, with others or not at all!
Written by Emily Foy-Brown