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Tag: tips


Tips for buying textbooks

Purchasing textbooks can often add up to an expensive shopping trip. The beginning of the session sees students spending a large amount of money on textbooks, so here are some tried and tested strategies to help trim your textbook bill. CSU Library...

Group of roommates enjoying dinner together

How to stay #roomiesforlife

by Loren Howarth It’s your first time living in a share house with your friends. You can’t wait until uni begins so you and your bestie can spend 24/7 together in your new pad. Three weeks in and you realise you’ve overdone it and now you’re...

Woman laying in the sun on the beach tanningg

Simple sunburn solutions

In case you missed our ‘Avoid the summer sting’ post and are suffering from some serious sunburn from Australia Day festivities, we’ve collated the best ways to recover. But don’t worry, we’ve all been stung before. Whether you burn just from the...

May the funds be with you

10 hot tips for scholarship success

Accommodation, transport, and textbooks – the inevitable costs that come with study. These fees can add up to an unexpected figure, leaving you with only one option for lunch and dinner: two minute noodles. This is when scholarships and grants come...

CSU student studying in the library. Image: OFS

Three ways to get ready for uni

If you’re about to start uni, you’re about to embark on a life-changing journey. Whether you’re moving out of home for the first time, getting the degree to start your dream career, or starting a course you’ve wanted to do for years – exciting times...

Girl reading and holding a book

10 books to read before the start of session

For those of you wanting to improve your results from last year, or if you just have some free time leading up until Session 1, reading a couple of books might be your solution. Here are 10 books to read that’ll improve your vocab and have you...

Moving home for the summer: survival tips

Three tips for summer survival

After spending eight months living away from home and having your friends with you 24/7, it can be hard moving back home for the summer. Living on a farm my whole life meant I had to adjust when moving to live in a vibrant city for uni. It also...

Books on a book shelf

Your lecturers summer reading suggestions

Summer holidays are great for relaxing, catching up with friends and finally getting around to reading that book you’ve been meaning to. Although it’s hard to admit, four months of no uni can get pretty boring. So, why not read a few books to fill...

Friends meme: welcome to the real world. Monica hugging Rachel

Goodbye concession card, I’ll miss you

By Kristy Leslie Here’s what no-one told me about life after CSU that i wish i had known (AKA it kind of sucked before it got good). Kristy graduated from CSU with a double degree in Advertising and Marketing. After more than four years...

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