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Tag: tips

eBooks vs. physical books: Which is best?

by Loren Howarth Which is better – eBooks or physical books? Here’s a list of pros and cons to weigh in where you stand on the debate! Pros of eBooks: Convenience: Gone are the days of carrying heavy textbooks everywhere! With...

Spring cleaning tips and tricks

by Loren Howarth Now that spring is in the air, it’s a great time to do some cleaning and de-cluttering. This tradition not only promotes wellness by establishing a clean and organised environment, it also creates a nice and fresh feeling...

How to get motivated to get fit

What’s more exciting than exercise? A lot! The word itself has the power to make you feel physically exhausted. Whether it’s to look good or stay healthy, these 6 tips will help you get motivated and fit! Mind over Matter – The hardest...

Students making healthy food for study

Exam brain food!

Most students survive on a (not-so-healthy) diet of coffee, pizza and mi-goreng. Unfortunately for our bank accounts, we need more than this to sustain us during exam periods (and life in general). I’ve gathered three recipes that will give you the...

Leadership skills we all need in our careers

Once we’re out in the workplace, employers are looking for job-ready leadership skills. Here are four key skills to kick-start your career, that students learnt from last year’s Student Leadership Conference: 1. Communication skills:...

How to revise for exams

Don’t quite know what to cover in your revision? Just skim over your subject materials before exams and then can’t remember anything? Here’s how to revise for your exams, take notes and improve your memory: 1. What’s in the...

Quiz time: Ready for uni?

Feeling a little nervous about starting your degree in Session 3? Or just want to know if you’re on top of everything and ready to start studying? Answer six quick questions to find out if you’ve ticked off what’s on the to-do list and are ready to...

How to make a balanced exam study plan

Have you left your exam prep to the last minute? Do you normally cram in the last few days, panic on the day and forget half your notes? If you answered yes to any of the above, you may need a new study plan! Here’s what I learnt about getting...

Spring clean your finances

Spring has just arrived, the days are getting longer and now is the perfect time to find a quiet place in the sun and sort out your finances. CSU’s Student Liaison Officer (Finance) has some useful tips to get your finances in order:

Rest your way to success this term

Pulling all-nighters to get your sociology essay in, or cramming for tomorrow’s psych exam does not have to be the route to that coveted high-distinction. Rather than pushing harder, try working smarter! Check out my strategies for being well-rested...

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