by Jenna Verhoeven This year I will be celebrating my second CSU Foundation day! In my first year, I was too focused on starting Uni that I missed Foundation Day. But I didn’t make that mistake the following year, and I’m really glad for...
Didn’t get the results you were hoping for? Don’t stress. Here’s what to do next. 1. Don’t worry! If the results are lower than you were hoping for, stay calm and think positive. 2. Speak to your lecturer, tutor, subject...
Are you looking to apply for jobs before you graduate? If so, you are going to love eQuals! You can now order your official transcript via My eQuals before your graduation date. Here’s what you need to know: Transcripts are now digital! This means…...
Candles, matches, camp-fires. What do these things have in common? They burn out. Stress and feeling overwhelmed can extinguish your motivation so it’s important to take care of yourself. Or your flame will burn out too. So, what is self-care? It’s...
By Christopher Morris, STRIVE participant. STRIVE is a CSU leadership program that helps student leaders develop their leadership skills. Read on for my experience of the course: What led you to STRIVE? When I first heard of STRIVE, I thought it...
Here’s everything you need to know about the latest innovation program at CSU… The AgriTech Incubator Program aims to ignite innovation, entrepreneurship and economic development in the Central West Region of NSW. AgriTech offers incubator programs...
Be considerate You are not living alone and you are not at home. Things that may have been tolerated at home are not necessarily the same on Res, so, think about others before yourself when you’re in communal areas, and think before you speak. It...
Cooking is an essential life skill, and usually one we leave up to our parents. And since they aren’t around, it’s easy and convenient to opt for dining hall meals. But, along the way, you’ll begin to appreciate home-cooked meals. So, how do we fend...
When you’ve outgrown ‘get to know you’ games and ice-breaker jokes are no longer a thing, what do you do when you meet your new dormies? Ask them these five questions: What’s your name, where are you from, what are you studying? Open with these...
One of the best things about studying on-campus is the amount of support available just for you. There is a wide range of people ready to help with living on-campus, studying and life as a uni student. So, add these people to the top of your support...