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Tag: student

Failing a subject: additional exam edition

Failing a subject is not a great feeling - but when we are offered the opportunity to sit an additional exam (AE) to pass the subject, we take it! Ada Crain talks first-hand on her experience, sharing her tips to passing her AE.

How to stay motivated while you’re on break

If you're not studying during Session 3, the long break over the New Year can make for a rough starting Session 1. Sophie Watson shares her ways to stay motivated during the break to come back well prepared for Session 1.

8 Things You NEED To Do This Summer

For those of you who aren't studying Session 3, Summer is the time to start getting stuff done. Sophia McCaughan shares 8 things you NEED to do this Summer.

Setting your health and fitness goals for 2023

There are many ways to set and work out goals to be the best version of you! Isaac Coldicott shares an insightful approach to attaining goals and his personal efforts to achieve in 2023.

New Year’s Resolutions for 2023

Another year has flown by, and it's getting closer to the stressful time of choosing your New Year's resolution. Megan Seis discusses picking your resolution, and ways to make them more attainable for 2023.

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