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Tag: fun

First-year CSU students walking back from class in Wagga Wagga

A letter to my first year self

Everyone at high school has an idealistic view of what university is meant to be like. For me, I imagined uni to be like a Hollywood film where people go to college and it’s pretty laidback. Nothing like the stresses of completing your HSC in year...

Why Read over the Summer?

If you’ve seen my article on life hacks based on the lives of the world’s most successful people, you’ll know that reading is one of their favourite past times. Why? Because it holds a massive amount of health benefits, primarily, stress relief but...

Outdoor Activities for the Holidays

Outdoor Activities for the Holidays

During these holidays, shake up your summer experiences be able to share awesome pictures with your family and friends by going on one of the awesome adventures below. Road trip What could be more iconic and adventurous than the open road. Do it...

Dormitory friendly cooking: croutons for salads

When someone mentions proper diet and healthy eating, the go-to food is always a salad. It is nutritious, fast to make and can have endless variety. Salads are also great for on-the-go university students. After all, keeping on top of healthy eating...

10 skills to learn in your free time

It’s always fun to have a party trick up your sleeve or something to help pass your time. Here are my favourite easy skills that you can master over summer and use for life, even impress a friend or two along the way! 1. Piano Learn to play a new...

Spring cleaning 101

Struggling to get back into the uni routine? Maybe the reason you’re struggling so hard is because you’ve got a serious pile up of mess in your room. A clean room means a clear mind, so we’ve put together a spring cleaning guide to de-clutter your...

Get involved in student life: on campus

by Rogina Torabinejad 1. Sporting events Charles Sturt University offers a number of competitive and friendly sporting opportunities that allow students to exercise, socialise and get the most out of their experience at university. Such...

Transition from winter to spring

You’ve made it through the cold, dark months. Now spring is here and it couldn’t have come sooner! Here are all the tips you’ll need to transition from the dreary winter and make the most of this colourful, bright and beautiful season. Food: If...

Level up your study with gamification

Gamifi…what? Gamification is the emerging of elements from gaming, such as earning experience, being rewarded, competition, status and socialisation, to something that may be seen as mundane in comparison, like studying. This can also include...

My uni bucket list

A bucket list is a list of things you aspire to do before a period of time. A bucket list can include anything you want to do before that time-frame runs out. From travel to tattoos, books you want to read or weight you want to lose. Check out my...

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