I do not know about you but during winter I always think that it’s the time to get my summer body started, however the months pass and I am still a slump. Then it’s Christmas, which means so much food and not a lot of exercise. Well...
What’s more exciting than exercise? A lot! The word itself has the power to make you feel physically exhausted. Whether it’s to look good or stay healthy, these 6 tips will help you get motivated and fit! Mind over Matter – The hardest...
Here’s how you can implement tiny changes every day to make massive improvements to your life – with Kaizen! Kaizen is a Japanese business philosophy meaning that if you make small continuous improvement every single day, you can...
Here is how you can change the way you think about exercising! It’s time to refresh the positive mindset and get physical. We’re in the same boat – I exercises on a daily basis and have plenty experienced the struggle of thinking...
From a young age, playing sports has been something we actively did, but mostly because either our school, parents or friends wanted us to. However, as we grew up, other things have taken priority and we’ve moved on from physical activity. Ain’t...
If you want to get fit, be social and save dollars all at the same time then CSU’s Bathurst Campus gym is the place for you. Thanks to Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) funding you now have access to longer opening hours and new equipment so...
by Amy Carlon Juggling university, work and your personal life sometimes feels like you have no time left to take care of yourself. Although it can be hard, the key is to take a step back and make sure you’re looking after your own health too...
Jessica Griggs has spent the past eight weeks as the Red Runner at CSU in Dubbo, inspiring others and motivating herself to be #BetterInRed. Here she reflects on how the challenge has brought people together and why she wants the activities and...
Join us for parkrun at the end of the #BetterInRed challenge! On Saturday, 29 April CSU staff will be volunteering at parkrun in almost all of our campus locations. Dress up, have fun and conquer the five kilometre goal at your own pace! You could...
Wes Boney is the Wagga Wagga campus’ very own Red Runner and he’s taken to the #BetterInRed challenge like a duck to water. His call to action is – be bold, stand tall and get out there and try! Here are his reflections on the past four weeks...