Written by Elise Dukes
Recently the Sustainable Development Goals Report (better known as the SDG report) was released detailing all the progress of the seventeen goals that Charles Sturt University put forward through the initiatives of the staff and students at an institutional level. This report is shared as a reflection of the impactful work that Charles Sturt University staff and students have taken part in to inspire and motivate the continuing work provided throughout our communities.

What topics does the SDG report cover?
Going through the SDG report as a Charles Sturt University student, it is inspiring, motivating and eye opening to be privy to all the work that our wonderful institution undertakes.
The report covers the topics of:
- No poverty
- Zero hunger
- Good health and well-being
- Quality education
- Gender equality
- Clean water and sanitation
- Affordable and clean energy
- Decent work and economic growth
- Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Reduced inequalities
- Sustainable cities and communities
- Responsible consumption and production
- Climate action
- Life below water
- Life on land
- Peace and justice
- Strong institutions
- Partnerships for the goals
Points from the report to highlight
The main points that stand out to myself throughout this report include:
- Supporting students experiencing financial hardship
- Staff and students saving more than 2,790 lives through blood donations
- Investigating the impacts of bushfires recovery programs for children
- Charles Sturt University hosting a community COVID-19 vaccination hub
- Workplace culture promoting staff progression and leadership of women
- COVID-19 impacts hit most vulnerable hard
- Charles Sturt University top for graduate jobs for sixth year
- LGBTIQA+ awareness and ally network training plan
- Supporting students with disabilities
- Community radio station on Bathurst campus produces quality news and community radio programs
- ‘Rivers on Fire & Flood’ forum
- Bathurst duck pond revitalisation
While all these sustainable events and activities are unique and inspiring in their own ways, it is the aspect of all of these having the importance of students and communities within their purpose.
The Charles Sturt Sustainability Team
As a Charles Sturt University student, it is truly motivating and heart-warming to see and hear all the important work that is being demonstrated and completed within our local communities, with our students at the centre of this work.
The Charles Sturt Sustainability team is an aspect within university life that as a student I look to. I see their dedication to making a positive impact within our environment and communities and see the work outlined within the SDG report as an example of how I as a student can play my part in the future of our environment and communities, not only as an individual but also with the help of my university.
Looking into the SDG report from a student’s perspective has become an eye-opening development that has allowed me to better see and understand the work that my fellow students and university are completing and seeing the amazing and inspiring ways in which I can become involved within these initiatives in the future.