Written by Greta Porter
As the year comes to an end and the on campus move out date gets closer, now is the perfect time to declutter your life and donate some items to charity whilst packing up your room.
Over the course of the year I’m sure most of us have accumulated a variety of things from online shopping sprees that we probably didn’t need or that we don’t use. Packing up your dorm room can be quite the task and I myself often wondered how I fit so many things into my small room. With summer just around the corner I realised I probably needed to start fresh and get rid of things that are just gathering dust. Decluttering your uni room of things that don’t bring you happiness, things that are shoved in the back of drawers and things you forgot you even owned are some examples of what you can part ways with.
When it comes to your wardrobe, a good rule of thumb coming into summer is to ask yourself whether or not you used all your winter clothes this past year. If not, what’s the chance of you actually wearing it in many months time for next winter?? If it’s unlikely, maybe it’s best to donate these clothing items to charity. The same goes for any kitchen items such as utensils and containers. If you haven’t been using them and you don’t intend on using them next year, part ways with it because they’re just taking up what small space you have to work with.

Usually when I do a big declutter and clean out, I sort my items into 4 piles.
- Keep
- Unsure
- Donate/sell
- Bin
Doing this allows me to stick to the task at hand and having a maybe pile allows you to keep going and come back later to make a decision on whether you keep that item or not.

Seeing as a lot of us are poor uni students, reselling some of the things you no longer need on websites such as Depop and Facebook Marketplace, is the perfect opportunity to get some extra cash. Don’t forget reselling any textbooks you’ve bought very well might get you an extra $100 or $200 in your back pocket. On the other hand, anything that doesn’t sell, or you don’t have time to sell can be donated to local charity shops such as Vinnies and the Salvation Army, meaning your unwanted goods can become someone else’s treasure.
Happy end of year and all the best with your decluttering and packing!