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Tag: wellbeing

Two CSU students enjoying coffee whilst studying

How to stay motivated towards the end of Session 3

by Angus Morrissey It’s late in the session and you’ve got a few weeks left – you’re drained and uninspired after spending so much of your summer inside already. So, how can you keep yourself motivated towards the end? Stay positive You may...

image of stethoscope with heartbeat chart

Taking yourself to the doctor

For most of us, our parents have always been there to look after us. They made us chicken soup when we were sick, checked our temperatures, and most importantly, took us to the doctor when we needed some help a level up from tender loving care. Now...

CSU’s Wellness and Wellbeing Expo is nearly here!

CSU’s Wellness and Wellbeing Expo is nearly here!

The 2016 Wellness and Wellbeing Expo starts this week. Coming to a campus near you, the expo includes loads of great information, freebies and demonstrations that can help you improve your finances, relationships and nutrition, or develop strategies...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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