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Tag: student life

Cupboard essentials you NEED as a uni student

When moving away for uni, you kind of have an idea of stuff you should buy to fill your cupboard. But how much of it is actually good and will benefit you in the long run? Alice Cavanagh shares her list of cupboard essentials you NEED as a uni...


What to expect at Session 2 Orientation

Written by Tyla Cavallaro Hey there! My name is Tyla Cavallaro and I am currently studying a Bachelor of Education, K-12 majoring in PDHPE. I am from Parkes, NSW originally but I am currently living on Charles Sturt Wagga Wagga Campus. In 2022, I...

Kickstarting your health means back to basics

With COVID lockdowns there has been a major impact on nutrition for many people. Whether it is through the stress and anxiety COVID has brought on people, or if these are disorders that are re-surfacing due to the pandemic, professionals are still...

Student publication ‘Interp’ October edition

The Interp team – consisting of around a dozen isolating and on-campus students – have been extremely busy collating a range of news, current affairs, lifestyle, entertainment, sport and campus culture reading material. Available both online and in...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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