Is your bank account a little too low for your liking? No need to fear, Ada shares her top tips to help you find that perfect job this summer!
Charlie contributor, Charlotte Penhall, just moved in to her first rental property. Read her top tips and advice for uni students ready to make that move...
This holiday season, money might be a little tight for uni students. You may be about to experience this for the very first time as you move out of home to start uni. Contributor, Emily Hubbard, shares her top tips on saving, spending and surviving...
Finding work over the summer usually involves a lot more planning than you realise. Luckily, Sophie Norris is here to share her step-by-step guide to getting a summer job.
The idea of buying Christmas presents can be both exciting and expensive - but it doesn't have to be! Megan Seis shares 5 ways you can buy Christmas gifts on a budget.
Going on placement is an exciting time, but what's NOT exciting is how much money you'll end up spending. After finishing his first round of placement, Archie Lickess shares his top tips for saving money while at placement.
Written by Greta Porter Charles Sturt University’s scholarship ceremony for Bathurst and Orange students was held on Friday 20 May, and I was very fortunate to be one of this year’s recipients. Each year, Charles Sturt University offers more...
Our fathers, brothers, partners and friends are facing a health crisis. Men are dying on average 5 years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons. There are growing rates of men dying too young, with suicide, prostate and testicular...
There are a lot of scholarships you can apply for at Charles Sturt. While it can look a bit complicated, hard and sometimes not worth the bother, that is absolutely not the case. Here are a few tips for writing a successful scholarship application...
The first step in living sustainability is by supporting your own local artists, creators, and businesses. You might ask why is this part of sustainable living? In supporting locally, you are eliminating international transport emissions, keeping...