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Tag: mental health

Your wellbeing during the festive season

It's the most wonderful time of the year! That's not to say that it doesn't come with its own set of challenges, stress and chaos. Charlie Contributor, Michelle Curry, shares how you can look after your physical health and mental wellbeing this...

My adventure with uni life, so far

Written by Tahlia Tranter   Coming to uni was always something I intended on doing. When I finished year 12, I knew exactly where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do – so I thought. A few months after I completed high school, the fantasy of...

Why you should exercise for your mental health and wellbeing

Written by Stephen Hale-Worrall Life will always be full of ups and downs, and under most circumstances we are able to ride those waves. There are times however when we experience additional stress related to work, study, or something big occurring...

What I learned from moving out of home

Starting university is overwhelming. The work required is more independent and there’s lots of it too. We are expected to get the hang of it quite quickly. All of this alone can cause anxiety levels to spike. When we take into account the fact that...

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