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Tag: CSU

Tips for studying during the mid-sem break

by Loren Howarth The mid-semester break is the perfect opportunity to play catch-up, get ahead and focus on assessments while there are no Uni classes. But it can be hard to sit down and get started, especially since it is so tempting to sit back...

Apps for when you want a buddy, but need to study

by Hayley Farrugia When you’re in the thick of semester and you have every assignment for every subject due at the same time, you may be questioning your recent life choices. However, ‘there’s an app for that!’ Technology is helping us...

Things I’ve learnt whilst being on my final prac

by Hayley Farrugia Everything that I have learnt, studied for and dreamt about for the last four years has amounted to my final 10 weeks of professional placement. But it isn’t as daunting as it may sound! There is so much to learn, so many little...

Your guide to picking the best study spot

Your guide to picking the best study spot

by Amy Carlon Finding a place that helps you effectively study can be tricky whether you live on campus or have a house full of kids at home. Here are areas where you can maximize your study: Places to study: Designated study area – if you...

5 things we all do to procrastinate

by Loren Howarth Procrastination is any uni students worst enemy, day after day you say you will start the assignment soon enough. But how do you spend that time instead? Here are the many other appropriate options which we are all guilty of…...

What Foundation Day means to me

by Jenna Verhoeven This year I will be celebrating my second CSU Foundation day! In my first year, I was too focused on starting Uni that I missed Foundation Day. But I didn’t make that mistake the following year, and I’m really glad for...

woman on phone

Study smart with your smartphone

Most people have one – a smartphone. You probably use it to send messages, make calls, take pictures, send email, browse social media, and spend hours on those annoyingly addictive games. It’s time to start using your phone smarter, convert...

Assortment of cooking ingredients

Cooking skills you need to nail before moving on to res

Cooking is an essential life skill, and usually one we leave up to our parents. And since they aren’t around, it’s easy and convenient to opt for dining hall meals. But, along the way, you’ll begin to appreciate home-cooked meals. So, how do we fend...

5 tips to make your time at uni easier

5 tips to make your time at uni easier

by Amy Carlon University can seem so overwhelming when you are starting out and since I learnt the hard way I thought as I approach the end of my degree I would lend five helpful tips that have really aided in making my time at uni easier. Socialise...

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