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Tag: budget

DIY Christmas gifts

DIY Christmas gifts

by Amy Carlon You’re not alone if you’re wondering where the year has disappeared to. You’re also not alone if you haven’t made a dint in your Christmas shopping list (or even made one). Money is tight around Christmas, especially for us poor old...

Three pre-payday recipes

Being a student and having a healthy diet are two things that don’t go hand-in-hand. Although it’s important to include healthy foods in your diet, sometimes it’s hard to do so on a tight budget. Especially when you’re living pay cheque to pay...

dollar going into piggy bank

Saving strategies that could work for you

There’s no argument that the stereotype of a uni student being poor is usually quite accurate. Regardless of how we got ourselves into that particular financial predicament, we’re all pretty much in the same boat when it comes to money. Whether it’s...

cat with gifts illustration

Buying gifts on a uni budget

It’s no secret that uni students are usually cash-poor and asset-poorer. It’s hard enough to find the funds to cover textbooks and fees at the start of session, let alone to fund your caffeine addiction or splash out on jugs of cider on Friday...

What is soy milk... is just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish?

Meatless Mondays Part 5: Tofu – friend or foe?

When first switching to a meatless diet, the transition can be easier if you just replace meat products with meat substitutes, like tofu and TVP, as they often can be prepared in a similar way to your favourite meat products.

I love my job, I love my job, I love my job

Planning your professional placement

Last week I completed my professional placement, and I am glad to say it was a rewarding and highly enjoyable experience. As a DE student on a budget with a young child, a lot of planning went into making my placement happen – thankfully, it...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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