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Tag: budget

Winter warmers on a budget

With the cooler weather well and truly upon us, there is nothing better than a big bowl of comfort food after a day’s study. Soups, casseroles and pasta dishes become a winter staple and the best bit is, they are not only good for your soul but also...

How to make a uni budget in 10 minutes

It might be your first year at Uni or maybe you spent last year running out of money. Either way, getting on top of your finances before Uni starts will make the year a lot less stressful. 1. Make two lists Firstly, make a list for your fixed...

Good financial habits to start in your 20’s

Uni can leave you feeling the pinch of many costs and fees, including the pressure to save for your future – but never fear, many of your fellow uni students are in the same boat. While your 20’s is the time of your life to have fun, it is...

Common myths about scholarships

When it comes to applying for scholarships, we often look at the effort and time it takes, before realising the benefits. So, here are the most common myths about scholarships and how you can overcome them: Myth #1 Finding a scholarship takes...

Budgeting in the holidays

No one wants to blow all their savings on one summer holiday, so here’s how to budget and spend wisely this summer break. Holiday funds: It is useful to set aside some holiday funds! On top of separating money from your savings, allocate money from...

Planning ahead for workplace learning

Workplace learning, also known as work placement or practicum, is a requirement for many courses offered at CSU. Placements can vary in length and you may be required to travel further than you usually do to attend classes or to find accommodation...

How to do Christmas on a uni budget

There is no denying that the most magical time of year is around the corner. However, as wonderful as Christmas is, the cost attached to this season can be daunting for us as Uni students on a low budget! So, to avoid an empty wallet this summer...

Shopping on a uni budget

Often, we spend money where we shouldn’t, right? Well here are my top tips on how to save, without dropping the shopping! Start saying ‘no’ It can be tricky to say to yourself, “No, you don’t need the Tim Tams,”...

Mini-breaks for the student budget

Mini-breaks for the student budget

by Amy Carlon As uni students, we are desperately craving those periods of time that we have off to either relax or, in most cases, travel. Here are some budget-friendly options to fulfill your travel desires while on a student budget! Travel in...

Student finances.

Make your budget go further this session

When you’re studying, picking up extra shifts at work isn’t always the answer to improving your cash flow. It’s important to keep a balance between work, study and life. And you’ll need some ‘me time’ to relax or spend with family and friends too...

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