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Tag: budget

On-Campus Vs. Off-Campus Living

Is your share house lease coming to an end or are you about to start your uni journey and not sure where to go? Kate Armstrong shares her experiences living both on and off campus.

Finances for first years

First years listen up! This epic blog has everything you need to know about money for your new university life. It may be challenging to stick to your budget but we promise that following these tips will help you shop savvy and save!

Budgeting as a uni student

This holiday season, money might be a little tight for uni students. You may be about to experience this for the very first time as you move out of home to start uni. Contributor, Emily Hubbard, shares her top tips on saving, spending and surviving...

Thrifty ways to improve your student accommodation

For everyone new to living on campus at university, there are some great tools which will help spice up your living space. Including kitchen supplies, study equipment, and decorations to make your new room feel like home.

Smart ways to invest scholarship money

Receiving a scholarship could be of great help to any one of us financially! Studying and working at the same time can be tricky to balance and a few extra funds can go a long way. So, how do you make the most of your scholarship money? 1. Reduce...

How to stretch your student budget

Studying at uni can be a struggle on the old wallet, especially when textbooks, food and living expenses start to add up. Here’s how you can make every dollar count! Your student card While your Charles Sturt student card can get you into...

Life hack: money saving

Everyone knows that students have very small budgets and a single dollar can go a long way for some of us. Here are hacks that I have used to save money on a daily basis: Loyalty cards: Most businesses have loyalty cards for customers that offer a...

How to survive travelling on a budget

Reaching the end of your degree and looking for a dream getaway adventure? More often than not, the thing that holds individuals back from pursuing their desire to travel is money. This how-to guide will give you the reassurance that travelling on a...

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