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Tag: break

Working in the holidays

Do you ever notice that when the summer holidays come around and everyone’s travelling or at the beach, you always seem to be working? All too often, I envy my friends’ stunning social media posts from their holidays and wish I could do...

Budgeting in the holidays

No one wants to blow all their savings on one summer holiday, so here’s how to budget and spend wisely this summer break. Holiday funds: It is useful to set aside some holiday funds! On top of separating money from your savings, allocate money from...

How to return home after your first year away

by Jenna Verhoeven It might feel as though it was yesterday you were starting a new chapter in your life. You were moving into your dorm on Res and wondering how you would do laundry, how you would feed yourself and where the nearest gym was. Fast...

How to do Christmas on a uni budget

There is no denying that the most magical time of year is around the corner. However, as wonderful as Christmas is, the cost attached to this season can be daunting for us as Uni students on a low budget! So, to avoid an empty wallet this summer...

5 must-read book series for summer

Having downtime is the best way to make use of our holidays. And there’s no better time to push the textbooks aside and read just because you want to! Here are a few of my favourites if you’re looking for a series to keep you hooked over...

Summer break plans?

by Emily Minter Well, holiday season is here. Phew! I’m certain we’re all feeling various emotions – ‘why did I put myself through that again?’, ‘I’m so glad I’m still able to smile’ or even ‘Wow! When does Session 1 start?’. But no matter what your...

Australian mags to catch up on in the break

We’ve successfully made it through six weeks of Session 1. Even if we’re only a quarter of the way through the year, it’s still a well-earned break, right? If you’re on top of your studies this break, don’t waste your time with tv for once and...

Cartoon people sitting on a beach towel with refreshments

Summer break: expectation vs reality

OK – so your summer plans sounded a little like this: Catch up with friends Get a job Save money Get a summer body Work on your tan Catch up on TV shows But sadly, they didn’t turn out like this. Instead, you’ve most likely spent your days sleeping...

How to get rid of your holiday boredom

How to get rid of your holiday boredom

Finally! Holidays are here and exams are over. Now that they are finally here I have decided to not repeat what I do every single holidays. Waste them! I always have a massive plan to get so much done during the uni holidays but never seem to get...

The mid year break has arrived!

The mid year break has arrived! This session has been a wild ride for all of us, and a well-earned break could not have come any sooner. It’s a long break, with exams finishing on June 19 and on campus classes not commencing again until July...

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