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Is the Bachelor of Communications (News and Media) right for you?

Is the Bachelor of Communications (News and Media) right for you?


Looking at studying a Bachelor of Communications (News and Media) but you’re not quite sure if it’s for you? Picking out what degree you want to do is challenging, so let’s discuss the different choices and whether you should pick news and media.

Written by Amy O’Halloran

The Bachelor of Communications at Charles Sturt University is a degree designed to allow students to pick their path.

You can choose from three different specialisations: News and Media (NAM), Strategic Communications (STC), and Design and Content Creation (DCC).

From being in front of the camera to creating the set, the course is set up so you can pick what you want to do with the degree.

The first year is designed to introduce you to each area.

Amy & peers gaining practical experience!

I have always been interested in working for television and sharing stories with others.

The dream to work on the Today Show or Sunrise has now become an achievable goal because of this degree.

Once I chose NAM, I was put in classes with my classmates who wanted to study journalism.

Choosing this specialty unlocked so many opportunities that would have been not as available if I had chosen Design and Content Creation (DCC) or Strategic Communication (STC).

Last year I applied for a scholarship with Sky News Australia and after being successful, they gave me four weeks of work experience at the headquarters in Sydney.

I worked alongside well-known Australian journalists and I had the chance to meet Peter Overton!

Nine News office.

7News in Orange allowed me to do work experience in June last year. I learnt how to present myself in front of a camera and how to write for television. I enjoyed it so much I reached out to do casual work for them.

They let me cover the Elvis Festival in Parkes and my stories went to air on the 6 pm news.

Amy with a 7News mic!

Did you read any of that and go: This is exactly what I want to do!?

If you did, then maybe consider doing a Bachelor of Communications (News and Media).

If you didn’t but you are still thinking about working on the set of a television show or creating advertising that will go to air, then choose the degree but possibly pick a different specialisation.

Whatever it is you are interested in, there is an option for you. Choose what makes you passionate and drives you to make a difference.

Amy O’Halloran hard at work!

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