Written by Angus Bartter
I didn’t really know anything about the meat judging club until a friend, Gab, mentioned I should come to training as she was aware of my interest in butchery and meat production.
I was lucky enough to be selected into the top 10 to participate in an industry tour around Brisbane and surrounds in September.
Although being quite surprised, I was excited for what the week would hold in terms of getting further experience in the red meat industry.
We visited different businesses throughout the supply chain including NH Foods Oakey Beef Exports, Mort & Co feedlot, Sun-Pork Swicker’s pork processors and Teys Port Brisbane.

The intensive education and development week gave me great exposure to many facets of the supply chain and how the industry works to provide a high standard final product.
Upon the conclusion of the week in Brisbane, 5 students from a range of universities were selected into the Australian ICMJ team to tour the US.
Once again, I was lucky enough to be apart of this team and had such an amazing in the US in January/February.
The tour took part across the mid-west of the United States in Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma, exploring how the US produces red meat where we could take away key similarities and differences to Australia’s production.

We visited ranches, feedlots, processing plants, pet food factories, numerous university’s meat labs, and awesome steakhouses.
We also competed in the National western Stock Show meat judging competition held in Denver, CO.
During the first few weeks of the tour, we trained in preparation for this competition and adjusted to the American style of judging and grading, as well as the imperial system where we had to use pounds and square inches.

Through our hard work and commitment, we were able to come first in the National division for the first time since 2018, this was a remarkable feat for us by beating those Americans.
The opportunity has engrained knowledge of meat production and supply chain on an international scale which I can use in my career after university.
Coaching the 2024 team alongside Jasmine Wholton will not only allow me to pass on some knowledge I have attained through these experiences but also help me develop as a person.
I am looking forward to coaching and teaching new and keen students this year with the end goal being to get as many students as possible to Brisbane and even America.

To find out more about the Charles Sturt Meat Judging Club, click here.