Written by Jordan Treloar
Approaching your graduation can be quite a scary time.
Sure, you will have achieved what you set out to achieve the years prior and that is always exciting, but there is often uncertainty about what happens next.
What is the next challenge?
For some that has already been worked out and that’s great, however for me back at the end of 2020, as was the case for a lot of people, it most definitely was not.

If you are thinking about what to do at the end of this year for example, or you aren’t sure what opportunities are available to you after graduation, you might want to think about investigating what an extra year of study can offer you and your future.
There are several reasons why you should consider continuing to study after finishing your undergraduate degree.
I write this now having completed my Honours year in 2021 and am currently starting the third year undertaking a Doctorate of Philosophy.

There are other paths available for you depending on your faculty such as a Master’s degree, but regardless all of this started with the decision to continue studying after the undergrad stage came to an end.
Undertaking an extra year, such as an Honours degree is perfect if you enjoy learning, especially if you want to learn or gain a deeper understanding about a specific passion that you have.
An Honours project for instance is all about wanting to know more about the what, why and how’s of whatever you are interested in.
For example, I am a big car enthusiast and love the history of the Australian car/motorsport industry, so my Honours project was all about the history and crucially, the impact of Holden in Australia.

If you do what you love, you won’t work a day in your life. Plus, it also helps that there are special scholarships available to you should you go down this path.
Having that extra qualification shows that you will go further in the pursuit of knowledge and skills, something that employers love.
Thirdly, if post graduate study, such as a PhD interests you, an Honours or Masters year is often the first stepping stone.
For me, learning about all the processes, research and writing involved with academic research was incredibly valuable in my Honours year because it enabled me to be more prepared for the work I currently undertake now, and being extra prepared is always useful!

Finally, it could just change your life. Four years ago I thought I was going to be a sports journalist. That is what I wanted to be, and it is what I loved doing.
But in doing my Honours year having enjoyed it so much and learnt so much about my passions and myself, I continued on again, completely changing the outlook of my future.
Finding a job at the end of your undergrad studies is usually always the goal, but if for some reason the next step hasn’t been worked out, or if you are interested in doing more study after graduating, considering to study after graduation could just be the start of a very exciting chapter in your life and career.