Written by Keziah McIntosh
Hi everyone!
My name is Kez and I am a part of the current committee in Port Mac Christian Students (PCS).
PCS is a student club on campus in Port Macquarie. We love to talk about Jesus, and love to have everyone – Christian and non-Christian – join us to learn about Jesus during the uni year.

Easter is here!
Chocolate, hot cross buns and the Easter bunny? Easter was always such a fun time as a kid. Did you ever get that excitement when you were about to go on an Easter Egg hunt? The dress ups, the competition to get the most chocolate, the massive sense of accomplishment when you found a huge stash of eggs.
Ah to be a kid again…
Don’t worry there is still something to be excited about Easter…
PCS is super excited for Easter, as it is always special to celebrate what Easter is all about! I know for me it definitely involves stocking my freezer up on hot cross buns because they don’t get made any other time of the year.
However, Easter is most importantly all about remembering the fact that Jesus died on a Roman cross to pay for all our sins, including past, present and future wrongs.
He paid the punishment for our sins. Imagine all the wrongs you have done being completely washed away! He was completely sinless, perfect in every way, and the Son of God, which means he definitely did not deserve this.
But then Jesus defeated sin and death by rising to life on the third day – which is what we celebrate on Easter Sunday! The fact that Jesus was willing to die an awful death for each and every one of us and then was raised to life, is definitely a cause for celebration.
Since Jesus did this, we can all be a part of God’s family if we choose, and then live forever with Him.

Easter Feaster
You might think this is an odd name for an event, but it involves two great things that PCS love – food and Jesus.
To celebrate Easter this year, PCS is hosting Easter Feaster which is where we share dinner together and have time to reflect on the wonder of Jesus’s sacrifice and resurrection. Yes this will involve many hot cross buns and chocolate eggs!
We aim to do this every year, just before students go home for the mid session break. It will be on Thursday 6 April and everyone is invited! Just head to our socials and you’ll find more details.

What else is going on with PCS?
PCS doesn’t just stop at Easter Feaster – we also have a course called Introducing God after the mid session break, which essentially is introducing God.
This will be an awesome chance for both Christians and non-Christians to ask questions and learn about who God is.
This will be held at our regular Monday Nights, where we have dinner on campus, some games and then talk about Jesus. Once again everyone is invited!

If you are wondering how else you could get to know who Jesus is, we have many ABC groups which are groups of three that meet up each week to read the Bible.
This is just a relaxed and chill way to uncover what is written in the Bible and opportunity to ask those big questions in a smaller group. If you are interested definitely reach out!

PCS has both Facebook and Instagram profiles to keep you up to date with our events and social things we have coming up, as this blog is only a snapshot of what we have planned for 2023!
Shoot us a message if you want to contact us and it will probably be me on the other end! Don’t forget can also email us at Hello@portmacchristianstudents.xyz