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Tag: wellbeing

Tackling stress with tech breaks and headspace!

This session is ramping up with quite a few hefty assessments to get through. Are you in need of some advice to get you through this tough time? Remy Naughton provides her best strategies to tackle stress and offers some support services for you to...

Your wellbeing during the festive season

It's the most wonderful time of the year! That's not to say that it doesn't come with its own set of challenges, stress and chaos. Charlie Contributor, Michelle Curry, shares how you can look after your physical health and mental wellbeing this...

My guide to studying in Session 3.

"Whether it’s a course requirement or you are simply trying to get ahead, there is always a silver lining to putting in the hard yards now." Meg Seis gives her best tips on surviving Session 3 as it fast approaches!

World Gratitude Day: Nayma’s Story.

"Before being a student, mother, wife, daughter, carer, activist, I am human being and human beings are limited." Charlie's newest contributor Nayma Bilal, shares an open account on World Gratitude Day. If you're seeking some inspiration today...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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