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Tag: university

5 reasons why we choose regional over regular

by Hayley Farrugia When it comes to choosing a university, whether it is at the end of Year 12 or enrolling later on in life, location is a prominent contributing factor. Regardless of how many people we ask, we are almost always swayed by the...

Tips for studying during the mid-sem break

by Loren Howarth The mid-semester break is the perfect opportunity to play catch-up, get ahead and focus on assessments while there are no Uni classes. But it can be hard to sit down and get started, especially since it is so tempting to sit back...

5 things we all do to procrastinate

by Loren Howarth Procrastination is any uni students worst enemy, day after day you say you will start the assignment soon enough. But how do you spend that time instead? Here are the many other appropriate options which we are all guilty of…...

Stages of leaving assignments to the last minute

We all have those moments of leaving assignments to the last minute because they slowly creep up on us when really, we just forgot about them. I’m the same and old habits are hard to change. So, here are my top shameful but truthful stages of...

Foundation Day is back!

Foundation Day is on its way! It’s a chance to have fun and celebrate what makes CSU great. Here’s what you need to know: History As the name implies, Foundation Day marks the founding of CSU. The University was established on 19 July 1989. That was...

young female leaning on pile of books

Here are the best ways to stay more organised at university

A full study load means a full assessment load, a full textbook load and a full exam preparation load. While we may feel organised going into our next session at university, very soon we can find ourselves becoming overwhelmed with lists of ‘things’...

Young boy moving out of home. Image:

Five tips for moving out of home

by Loren Howarth Whether you’re moving out of home for some independence, or you’ve decided that on-campus accommodation isn’t for you, moving out of home is a big decision. You’ll have more responsibilities, plus your own...

University vs. Highschool.

The difference between uni and high school

by Loren Howarth First year: the year that you realise that university is actually nothing like high school. During your time at university you’ll learn how to do your washing, clean up after yourself, set deadlines and drown in assessments all at...

Shearers in the shed shearing sheep

Calling all tech savy students

From drones and biological sensors to robotics, if you’ve got an interest in technology or agriculture then this competition could be for you. CSU students are being encouraged to take part in a competition to develop practical, low-cost digital...

Woman socialising in the olden days with drinks in hands

Why you need to enjoy uni life while you can

All new students know the daunting feeling that comes with stepping onto campus for the first time or sitting through their first lecture and dreaming of graduation a few years down the track. But as most graduates will tell you, those four years...

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