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Tag: travel

CSU Global participants on their way to NZ.

My degree took me to NZ!

Therese Brearley was one of 15 students from CSU who spent five days in Wellington, New Zealand for the CSU Global program for the Bachelor of Emergency Management. We caught up with Therese to ask her a few questions and get a day-to-day run down...

CSU Global: Snap, share, win!

Snap, share and win with CSU Global!

Are you a student or staff member at CSU? Have you been on a recent CSU Global trip? Then share your experience and you could be a winner! To celebrate the range of international study experiences available to students and staff, CSU Global has...

Andrew Lotherington took a shot of a building in Finland at night time.

Andrew Lotherington on his trip to Finland

Bachelor of Sport Journalism student Andrew Lotherington has recently arrived home after a two week trip to Finland as part of a CSU Global program. The International Experience Program sent a group of students to study at the University of...

Beach front image

Summer holiday destinations for the student budget

It’s common knowledge that students love to travel. It’s also common knowledge that students are normally on a tight budget. So, here are my suggestions on where to holiday so you can make the most out of your session one and two savings...

Reasons to visit a CSU campus town these holidays

Summer is here once again and with it comes the wonderful opportunity of travel and adventure. Charles Sturt University (CSU) has many campuses that are spread across different towns, each offering their own unique experience for the adventurous...

CSU students jumping for joy at an overseas study program

Five reasons why you need to study abroad

If you were thinking about studying overseas, here’s five reasons why you need to lock it in. CSU Global has successfully secured more than $380,000 in New Colombo Plan funding, making its Indo-Pacific programs more accessible than ever before. This...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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