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Tag: travel

My Life-changing Experience Teaching in Nepal

Ever wanted to combine the rewarding experiences of travel and helping others? Sophie tells you about her trip; teaching in Nepal with CSU Global and how her students taught her just as much as she taught them!

Taking a Detour: Returning to Uni After Hitting Pause

"What do you want to do with your life?". You might expect to start uni, graduate in three years and head out to your dream job... but it doesn't always happen that way. Charlie writer Jake fills you in on his study detour and how it helped him...

How I Saved for Euro Summer

Looking for a way to escape from the Australian winter and make some unforgettable memories? Amy talks you through how to save up for a Euro Summer get away as a student!

My Canadian Session Break

Thinking about going to Canada next session break? Charlotte Penhall shares an insight into tipping, student discounts and top tourist attractions in Vancouver.

What are intensive schools?

What exactly is an intensive school? During session breaks some Science and Health students may be heading to our Wagga, Bathurst or Port Mac campuses for an intensive school! Lauren Bridgfoot tells you all about her past experience at an intensive...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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