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Tag: tips

How to beat the winter blues

by Loren Howarth With the recent cold weather, it’s easy to dream about summer – warm days at the beach or picnics under the sun. And spending extra time indoors to keep out of the cold certainly doesn’t help. But don’t...

Tips for studying during the mid-sem break

by Loren Howarth The mid-semester break is the perfect opportunity to play catch-up, get ahead and focus on assessments while there are no Uni classes. But it can be hard to sit down and get started, especially since it is so tempting to sit back...

Ways to use your mid-session break

Final edits on assessments, constant stress and cramming – perfectly describes what the end of term looks like for any CSU student. But it is all worth it for that GLOURIOUS mid-semester break. I would be lying if I didn’t spend the first...

Be happy with tech

Never lose your work again!

Have you ever been in the situation where you have lost your USB drive? Or had your computer freeze up or die on you right when you needed it? Or would you like the flexibility of accessing your files anywhere? The Cloud is just what you need to...

Things to do today to help you adult tomorrow

Things to do today to help you adult tomorrow

by Amy Carlon Are you a young student who has just ventured out on your own for the first time having to cook, clean and even do your own laundry? If you are in need of some tips on how to adult look no further, here are 5 tips to help you be...

Your guide to picking the best study spot

Your guide to picking the best study spot

by Amy Carlon Finding a place that helps you effectively study can be tricky whether you live on campus or have a house full of kids at home. Here are areas where you can maximize your study: Places to study: Designated study area – if you...

Little unknown tips to help you save

Here’s the how-to on taking control of your money to get through Uni: Slash your food budget! Check what food you’ve got stashed in the cupboard. Then, create a meal plan for the WHOLE week, including snack items. Make dinners that...

Get into sports as an adult

From a young age, playing sports has been something we actively did, but mostly because either our school, parents or friends wanted us to. However, as we grew up, other things have taken priority and we’ve moved on from physical activity. Ain’t...

Tax time Q&A

by Claire Sams Paying taxes can be annoying and confusing, but they are an integral part of being an adult. Check out this Q&A full of resources from the Australian Tax Office to help you become a finance boss: Q: Do I need to pay taxes or lodge...

What to do if your results aren’t what you expected

Didn’t get the results you were hoping for? Don’t stress. Here’s what to do next. 1. Don’t worry! If the results are lower than you were hoping for, stay calm and think positive. 2. Speak to your lecturer, tutor, subject...

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