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Tag: study

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8 books to read to prepare for Session 1

Want to hit the ground running for the new session? Prepare your brain with these reads: The Study Skills Handbook Written by Stella Cottrell, this book has a lot of advice and practical information that will help you feel organised and prepared...

My CSU Global experience – Graphic Anthropology in Malta

In July 2017 I took a flight to Malta (right below Sicily) to study. I had always thought about taking a subject or course abroad as part of my CSU study, just hadn’t found an Illustration-specific opportunity. Then I found out about...

Six tips on buying a computer for study

It is that exciting time of the year where future students are receiving their offers to study, others may be returning to study, and you may be wondering “what sort of computer do I need?”. Here are some tips to make your purchasing...

5 tips to make your time at uni easier

5 tips to make your time at uni easier

by Amy Carlon University can seem so overwhelming when you are starting out and since I learnt the hard way I thought as I approach the end of my degree I would lend five helpful tips that have really aided in making my time at uni easier. Socialise...

What is your lecturer doing over summer: travel

Travelling and studying at the same time represents an ideal world for most. For CSU students studying Introduction to Islamic Art and Design, it will become a reality these summer holidays. Dr Sam Bowker, lecturer in Art History and Visual Culture...

Aimee Macreadie working in Oral Health facilities

How I gave up my high-paying city job to make a difference

Aimee Macreadie I gave up my high-paying city job to make a difference. “What am I getting myself into?”, I thought as I left my high-paying corporate job in the city, where I plugged away in an office, drinking company-supplied tea, going shopping...

taking notes from iPad with coffee

Five reasons CSU was my perfect match

By Sheriden Fyson I changed my life with CSU and you can too! Making the decision to go back to study at 33 was scary. But with the support and flexibility offered at CSU, changing careers is easier than you think! Here are five reasons why choosing...

Five ways to stress less

by Loren Howarth With exams and final assessments just around the corner, it’s time to get into serious study mode. This time can be quite stressful with assessments and exams looming. But don’t freak out too much, here are our top tips...

young female leaning on pile of books

Here are the best ways to stay more organised at university

A full study load means a full assessment load, a full textbook load and a full exam preparation load. While we may feel organised going into our next session at university, very soon we can find ourselves becoming overwhelmed with lists of ‘things’...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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