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Tag: study break

Taking a leave of absence

Fitting in a degree while being a mum, and caring for family overseas is challenging. Stuggling to balance all of these commitments is quite hard. Luckily for Dipti, she discovered that Charles Sturt offers a leave of absence for students that may...

Plant Lovers Guide to Increased Studying Prowess

Growing plants has become increasingly popular as a hobby over the last couple of years. Indoor plants were once seen as a status of luxury; a means to impress. Now however they are seen with huge benefits for your wellbeing. Plants are beneficial...

What’s Next: Getting assessment marks back

What’s Next: Getting assessment marks back

Your first assessments have been written and submitted and you are waiting for the email that says they have been marked. And while that time in between probably brings a lot of anxiety, there are lots of places to go regardless of the result...

Nine Books You Must Read Based Upon Your Learning

Looking for ways to have a quick study break without having to leave the house? Here are nine books that will appeal to you based upon your course! And if who have a lot of ‘study breaks’ you may want to read them all! Faculty of...

How to Critically Analyse Anything!

With Session 1 underway, you may be going through your course outline ready to start your assessments early. Doing this, you may come across a new term that you haven’t heard before – critically analyse. You may also think you may have...

5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Study Environment

Studying means something different to everyone, whether it brings joy, dread, excitement or hatred. Creating an environment that is relaxing and calming can help studying become a much quicker process. There are many different techniques and tricks...

How to Study During a Sweltering Heatwave

Summer might be rounding out for 2020 but that doesn’t mean that the odd heatwave won’t come about. And with semester 1 coming up in just a week or so, here are a few ways to study successfully whilst staying cool no matter where you are...

Cultivating Creativity

by Mary Appleby Creativity is not something that usually comes to mind when you think of study or university. However, it can be the key to maintaining motivation and being successful in your studies. We all begin each session the same; setting...

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