For everyone studying, being able to manage stress levels and fit exercise into your study schedule is so important. I would highly recommend pilates to help with stress and energy levels.
Studying online takes the willpower of being self-motivated, driven and a dash of procrastination on the side. I am just being honest here!
Session 3 Orientation will create an amazing opportunity for you to leap into the session with confidence and a smile. I wonder who is going to paint the best beachscape, what everyone will be up to with the Goosechase, and how many confused faces...
I first met Kaisa, through my role within the Bathurst SRC and we have been friends ever since.
$12 for lettuce! Did you see that too?
Written by Billie Tipping As we’ve just celebrated R U OK Day on 8th September, World Mental Health Day is another fantastic initiative assisting in normalising the stigma surrounding mental health and openly talking about mental health with others...
International Podiatry day is about spreading awareness about common foot conditions and providing education on how to take a step in the right direction for better foot health.
A mass casualty simulation is one with multiple patients, all with varying injuries that student paramedics treat simultaneously. Today it was in the car park to replicate a multi-vehicle car crash.
Samuel Johnson openly spoke about many of his life experiences, many of which are marred by sadness and tragedy, and took us with him on the journey of founding his charity, Love Your Sister.
I work as a Barista at the moment and have interacted with many people on a daily basis. This has allowed me to see the different flavours of people as coffee orders. Let’s unpack that a little...