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Tag: skills

How to ace your LANTITE exams

Are you about to complete the next window of LANTITE exams? Education students across Charles Sturt may be studying extra hard this session to pass a vital exam for their teaching degree. Michelle Curry shares how to prepare for remote proctoring...

An overlooked skill you NEED at uni…

Are you feeling a little nervous about starting university? Rizwan Sharif has got your back, offering you some hot tips on how to master the university life and ace Session 1 through an important skill set!

How To Make The Most Out Of Orientation For Session 3

''Turn on that camera during Zoom sessions, and engage with fellow students through the discussion boards. Meet up in person or virtually for a coffee/chat. Studying online doesn’t mean studying alone.'' Charlie contributor Michelle Curry offers...

My guide to studying in Session 3.

"Whether it’s a course requirement or you are simply trying to get ahead, there is always a silver lining to putting in the hard yards now." Meg Seis gives her best tips on surviving Session 3 as it fast approaches!

Careers and Skills Festival

The Careers and Skills Festival 2022

Come along to the Careers and Skills Festival and discover how you will build a sustainable career while enjoying a balanced life! Read up on the guest speakers below.

Life skills from a lifetime of studying

We can now fit education around normal life, but managing the distractions and overwhelm has become the new challenge. So, what have I learned from over a decade of being a student? Here are some key strategies I’ve developed to merge studying into...

How to Wear a Suit the Right Way

Deciding on the right outfit for a job interview can be a daunting thought – more so than the actual interview! The basis to this kind of worry stems from wanting to make the right impression to your future employers. Wearing an outfit that you are...

How to Show Passion in a Job Interview

Job interviews are tricky to navigate. One element to achieving success in an interview is to demonstrate passion and commitment to the role and the company. How do you Convey Passion? It is difficult to remain authentic when conveying passion if...

Earn As You Learn – How it helped me

by Xanthe Gregory Studying at university means getting a job of your choosing in an industry you’re passionate about, right? Textbooks and multi-storey buildings may lead to that. Although, there a few steps you can take which can guarantee you’ll...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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