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How to Wear a Suit the Right Way

How to Wear a Suit the Right Way

Deciding on the right outfit for a job interview can be a daunting thought – more so than the actual interview!

The basis to this kind of worry stems from wanting to make the right impression to your future employers. Wearing an outfit that you are comfortable in can be a huge confidence boost. It can also signal many positive aspects about yourself that you may not be aware of to the interviewer.

One of the most popular choices of outfit to wear to an interview is a suit! The right suit can convey professionalism, presentation and personality.  Here is a list of four tips that will help you find the best fit and wear a suit the right way!

Choices, Choices, Choices

If you don’t already own a suit, shopping for one can seem like an overwhelming process. The first step is to ensure that you can purchase in separates. This allows you to mix and match whilst also getting the most out of your suit by being able to purchase additional trousers. The general rule is to purchase a suit with two pairs of trousers.

If this isn’t possible buy one suit, that is a jacket and trousers which is perfectly fine. Lastly, keep an eye out for promotions. You can end up saving a lot and even wearing a suit that is more expensive at a fraction of the cost. This will usually help with the longevity of the garment.

Fits, Sizes and Measurements

You’ve found a suit that you really like. It is the perfect colour, shape and texture but you’re unsure on how it’s supposed to fit? To know how a suit jacket fits first look at the shoulders. Shoulders on a jacket should end on your shoulders if it’s too big or small find another size.

Next, your hand should be able to slip easily under the lapels when the top button is fastened. Lastly, sleeves. The jacket sleeve should fall between where the base of your thumb meets your wrist.

Classic, European, Slim

It’s not always necessary to buy shirts specific for suits as most shirts nowadays are able to provide very similar looks. However, if you are looking to purchase a shirt for a suit there are three categories that you need to know about.

The first is a classic fit shirt. These kinds of shirts offer more material on the sides so that the fabric does not cling onto the body. The next kind of shirt is the European. This shirt tapers in at the sides and can sometimes have a fitted sleeve. The last type of shirt is the Slim fit shirt. These kinds of shirts are fitted to the body.

Some of these guidelines can be taken with liberties. If you find a suit that meets your requirements and you feel confident in it, then that is the suit for you!

Wearing the right outfit in an interview is important but remember, it is not as important as the skills, experience and knowledge that you bring to a job interview. So good luck and show them why you are the right fit for the job.

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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