Coming up to exams and during assessment periods at university, you can find yourself becoming very busy. To avoid burning yourself out, here is how you can manage busy days effectively. 1. Remember it won’t last forever Whether you set up a...
As a child, there are countless things that you look forward to about becoming an adult, such as being able to drive. However, growing up also brings greater responsibility. You’re constantly faced with having to make decisions that will...
There are lots of small things that you can do to make sure you are ready to start your journey at Charles Sturt University as an online student. Take the quiz to make sure you are ready! [wp_quiz id=”11090″] Here’s all the info...
Online learning is great for flexibility and self-paced studying but it also requires staying disciplined, on track and focused. Here are six of our best tips to help you get the most out of online study, and succeed! 1. Make a study schedule: To...
The new Uni year is almost here and it’s going to be a big one! So, no matter where or how you are studying, this six-step guide is guaranteed to help you make the most of it: #1 Set goals If you want to be motivated and stay on track, set...
Mindfulness means awareness. It is to be conscious, present and attentive in a moment or situation. Being mindful helps reduce stress, anxiety and frustration (AKA our daily struggles as Uni students). In turn, it can also boost intelligence...
The Outreach team will soon be starting their Australia tour! From workshops to individual appointments, they’ll be helping you settle into online study. Here’s everything you need to know before they reach your doorstep. What is the...
Not sure how to enrol or haven’t decided what to do this session? Then here’s what you can do! Here are our tips to help you get on top of your enrolment for 2019 now: Choose your subjects You might have to pick a major, minor and...
The first year of Uni is always a big leap from those long years spent in school or from your gap year. With it comes independence and the need for organisation! Whether you are doing it online, moving out of home or travelling from abroad, the...
Enrolment is a must-do before Uni starts up! Whether you’re in your first year or last, making sure you’re enrolled in the correct subjects is your responsibility. Before you get overwhelmed by another thing on your Uni to-do list, check...