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Tag: motivation

Healthy exam study snacks

It’s nearing that time of year again when most of us are finishing up those last assignments and preparing for exams. However, you need to remember that while revision is crucial to pass, you also need to take the time to fuel your mind and body...

Top tips for looking after yourself

by Loren Howarth It’s nearing the end of the session and summer holidays are already on your mind. But you have a stack of assessments due and exams to prepare for. Don’t stress, I have prepared some tips to keep your mind and body healthy during...

Music that motivates you to study

Let’s be honest. Though we’re university students, motivation to study does not always come naturally. Some days we need help to get in the ‘study zone’. Cue the music! Many university students, including myself, blast their latest and favourite...

10 ways to ensure your Summer is sorted

Has your intense Uni schedule finally come to an end for another year? Are you at home twiddling your thumbs because you have no idea what to do with your time? Don’t waste another minute! We have 10 ways to keep you occupied this Summer!

Why you should consider contributing to Charlie

As I sit at the computer writing this, I am feeling a mix of emotions (mainly denial) as today marks the end of an era… Ladies and Gentlemen – after four long, crazy, stressful and ultimately rewarding years, I am officially graduating!

Dear HSC results - come at me bro.


By Emily Foy-Brown After years of boring material (I’m talking to you algebra – WHY DO YOU EVEN EXIST?), trying to stay awake in class, highlighting textbooks in their entirety, homework (or excuses) and of course the hormonal friends...

Graduation grants up for grabs!

Graduating this December? I suggest you hurry on up and apply for the CSU Graduation Equity Grant, which closes on Sunday 6 December!! (tick-tock-tick-tock) This handy source of cash is designed to assist graduating students of 2015 with some of...

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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