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Tag: finances

How to stretch your student budget

Studying at uni can be a struggle on the old wallet, especially when textbooks, food and living expenses start to add up. Here’s how you can make every dollar count! Your student card While your Charles Sturt student card can get you into...

Life hack: money saving

Everyone knows that students have very small budgets and a single dollar can go a long way for some of us. Here are hacks that I have used to save money on a daily basis: Loyalty cards: Most businesses have loyalty cards for customers that offer a...

Planning ahead for workplace learning

Workplace learning, also known as work placement or practicum, is a requirement for many courses offered at CSU. Placements can vary in length and you may be required to travel further than you usually do to attend classes or to find accommodation...

How to do Christmas on a uni budget

There is no denying that the most magical time of year is around the corner. However, as wonderful as Christmas is, the cost attached to this season can be daunting for us as Uni students on a low budget! So, to avoid an empty wallet this summer...

5 reasons why we choose regional over regular

by Hayley Farrugia When it comes to choosing a university, whether it is at the end of Year 12 or enrolling later on in life, location is a prominent contributing factor. Regardless of how many people we ask, we are almost always swayed by the...

Establishing independence for youth allowance

Did you know that working while studying could make you eligible for youth allowance? You may have thought you were ineligible because you didn’t meet the criteria, however there are a few other factors that can help establish your independence:...

Shopping on a uni budget

Often, we spend money where we shouldn’t, right? Well here are my top tips on how to save, without dropping the shopping! Start saying ‘no’ It can be tricky to say to yourself, “No, you don’t need the Tim Tams,”...

Spring cleaning tips and tricks

by Loren Howarth Now that spring is in the air, it’s a great time to do some cleaning and de-cluttering. This tradition not only promotes wellness by establishing a clean and organised environment, it also creates a nice and fresh feeling...

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