This holiday season, money might be a little tight for uni students. You may be about to experience this for the very first time as you move out of home to start uni. Contributor, Emily Hubbard, shares her top tips on saving, spending and surviving...
For everyone new to living on campus at university, there are some great tools which will help spice up your living space. Including kitchen supplies, study equipment, and decorations to make your new room feel like home.
National Op Shop week is upon us, so why not head down to your local Op Shop to check out what bargains you can find? Spanning from September 28 to October 4, National Op Shop Week isn’t just about buying things. While you can find some...
Textbooks are so expensive!! I am sure we all want to save some money on textbooks by buying second hand where we can. There is nothing wrong with buying second-hand items – you save money, the seller gets some money back and it clears their...
Receiving a scholarship could be of great help to any one of us financially! Studying and working at the same time can be tricky to balance and a few extra funds can go a long way. So, how do you make the most of your scholarship money? 1. Reduce...
Studying at uni can be a struggle on the old wallet, especially when textbooks, food and living expenses start to add up. Here’s how you can make every dollar count! Your student card While your Charles Sturt student card can get you into...
Everyone knows that students have very small budgets and a single dollar can go a long way for some of us. Here are hacks that I have used to save money on a daily basis: Loyalty cards: Most businesses have loyalty cards for customers that offer a...
Reaching the end of your degree and looking for a dream getaway adventure? More often than not, the thing that holds individuals back from pursuing their desire to travel is money. This how-to guide will give you the reassurance that travelling on a...
With the cooler weather well and truly upon us, there is nothing better than a big bowl of comfort food after a day’s study. Soups, casseroles and pasta dishes become a winter staple and the best bit is, they are not only good for your soul but also...
It might be your first year at Uni or maybe you spent last year running out of money. Either way, getting on top of your finances before Uni starts will make the year a lot less stressful. 1. Make two lists Firstly, make a list for your fixed...