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Tag: advice

I changed my degree to pursue my true passion

Have you ever felt like the degree you've chosen to study just isn't for you? Elijah was studying Psychology in Bathurst away from his close family & friends. While he made new friends along the way, he realised he wanted to pursue his passion for...

A First Nations student journey to Charles Sturt

Billie chased her dreams to study at university, not being certain on much, other than wanting to care for Country through her career. With a little support from Charles Sturt scholarships and the First Nations centre at Port Mac, Billie felt...

I moved to Australia from New Zealand to study Nursing

Charlie Contributor, Katelyn, shares her story moving overseas from New Zealand to study Nursing on our sunny Albury campus! From homesickness to making life-long friends, it's wonderful to read about how she's settled in and made Charles Sturt her...

A science-backed guide for better productivity

Have you already felt the loss of study motivation begin to creep in? New Charlie Contributor, Ana Elefterescu, explores science backed strategies that'll help boost your productivity and focus!

This is an SSAF funded initiative
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